Purple Mash
Please use Purple Mash to complete or upload any required work. Follow the instructions in the file below to upload pictures or scanned documents .
Come and say hello on the Panther class blog too!
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday (diary and RE work due today) VE day bank holiday |
English |
Imagine you are organizing a VE day celebration. Design a poster to advertise the event. You can do this on Purple Mash- set as a 2Do or on paper. Upload your poster by next Friday. 15th May
Maths |
RE |
Quest |
Choose an activity from your POWer project to complete this week.
Additional Activities |
2design and make- create a vehicle for the future. Set as a 2Do.
Science: Are they magnetic? Set as 2Do on Purple Mash. Watch the video and complete the activity to show which materials are magnetic.
Keep Active- check out New Generation sports PE lessons that you can join in with at home. You might see some familiar faces. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuwtC6kvO9LkmCO95AqokQg/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=1
Talk for writing booklet- there are lots of activities for you to complete based around Trolls! |