
Week Commencing 4th May 2020

Purple Mash

Please use Purple Mash to complete or upload any required work. Follow the instructions in the file below to upload pictures or scanned documents .

Come and say hello on the Panther class blog too!

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday (diary and RE work due today)

VE day 

bank holiday


Spelling: patterns –sion, ous

Complete pg. 10 of your Word Up spelling book

practice sheet.


Reading Comprehension

Read the first chapter of The Settlers set as a 2Do on purple Mash (also saved as a pdf below).

Complete the online quiz based on chapter 1 set as a 2Do.

Spelling: patterns –sion, ous

Complete pg. 11 of your Word Up spelling book- activity sheet


Diary Writing

Set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.


Follow the instructions in the think about to complete Ash’s diary over the next few days. You have until Friday to hand it in but hand it in when it is finished.


If you would prefer to write this in your book then remember to write on every second line so you can easily edit. Upload your work to Purple Mash by Friday following the information in the help sheet.

Spelling: patterns –sion, ous

Complete pg. 12 of your  Word Up spelling book- activity sheet


Diary Writing

Continue writing Ash’s diary. Hand it in when you have finished and edited but you have until Friday to complete it.

Get someone to test you on your spellings.  



Grammar book pg. 52 and 53

Apostrophes for single possession

Mark your answers

VE day task

Watch the following clip to learn about VE day.


Imagine you are organizing a VE day celebration. Design a poster to advertise the event.

You can do this on Purple Mash- set as a 2Do or on paper. Upload your poster by next Friday. 15th May



Fluent in five

Saved below

Try to complete the questions in five minutes.


Purple Mash

Sorting multiples in a venn diagram

Set as 2Do

2race multiplication and division set as 2Dos

Maths homework book

Complete the next page

Either page 18 (section 2 Test 1)or page 27

Mark your answers and make corrections where necessary

Fluent in five

Saved below

Try to complete the questions in five minutes.


Twos, fours and eights

Saved below

Choose challenge a or b and complete qs 1- 16

Mark your answers and make corrections where necessary.

Multiplying by multiples of ten

Saved below

Choose a challenge and  answer ten questions.

Mark your answers and make corrections where necessary.

Easter- the Ascension

Upload your picture on to your blog by Friday. Follow the instructions in the helpsheet above to upload your work. 

Choose an activity from your POWer project to complete this week.






2design and make- create a vehicle for the future. Set as a 2Do.


Science: Are they magnetic? Set as 2Do on Purple Mash.

Watch the video and complete the activity to show which materials are magnetic.


Keep Active- check out New Generation sports PE lessons that you can join in with at home.  You might see some familiar faces.


Talk for writing booklet- there are lots of activities for you to complete based around Trolls!

