

We had a ‘murder investigation’ in Year 3 today! Learning about whether plants are living creatures and how we can prove it.

In our DT lesson this week, we have been learning new sewing skills.

Today we learnt about how computer networks work.

Investigating permeability in rocks.

Investigating rocks in Science.

Our first gymnastics lesson of the spring term.

We have made a Jesse Tree in RE to help us prepare for the birth of Jesus, in Advent.

Performing Frere Jacques as a round in our ukulele lesson today

Still image for this video

In Science, we investigated the question: “Do people with the longest legs jump the furthest?”

We had lots of fun in our 'circus skills' workshop!

We have made a display of all the children's excellent sculptures. They are so proud to share their work with the rest of our school.

In Art, we have been learning about line and tone. We made wire sculptures in the style of Kue King and practised shading on shells.

In our Judaism unit, we learnt about how people pay respect when they go to the synagogue.

We acted out the movement of 'The Hunter' tracking an impala, in a story from Swaziland.

Investigating the speed of our muscles' reactions in Science.

Our first Ukulele lesson was very exciting!

Exploring beat and rhythm in Maya Angelou's poem 'Life doesn't frighten me'.

Making life-sized skeletons in Science.

Celebrating our RE learning, for our 'Homes' topic.
