Monday 2nd December
We have started our new science topic - Light. We've explored what we already know about light, and moved onto looking at light sources and reflectors. In this lesson, we first had to eliminate as many sources of light as we could to make the room as dark as possible. Then, we had to use torches and pieces of card to attempt to prove or disprove the statement:
"Light travels in straight lines."
We concluded that light does travel in straight lines because when holes were made in pieces of card, light could travel through them as long as they were lined up. If one was out of place, the light could not bend to travel through it.
Tuesday 12th November
We are practising mindfulness in Year 6 at the moment. We are enjoying taking a few minutes out of our day to concentrate on our breathing, clear our minds and re-focus ourselves so we are in a good mindset for learning. We have been putting our hands on our stomachs to help us become more aware of our breathing and we are also trying to imagine that thoughts and worries are clouds that dissolve/pass by with ease.
Friday 8th November
Well done to the children for a very successful "History of Britain" assembly! They put on quite a performance and showed off their talents marvellously - it has certainly got me excited about the production at the end of the year...
Monday 4th November
We had our first British Values day, where our focus was democracy. We learnt about different types of government and explored where they exist today and in history. We explored how our British parliament works (including quite a lengthy discussion about Brexit!) and we took part in a debate, discussing whether prisoners should be allowed to vote.
I think we might have a few budding politicians on our hands...
Thursday 24th October
Well done to all the children for their hard work on their Power Projects. Thank you also to parents for working with them on these - here are just a few examples of the wonderful pieces they created.
Remember - 5 Power Projects or more will get you entered into the raffle draw in assembly!
Tuesday 8th October
In our reading lesson today, we read about Gunnar (the protagonist of Viking Boy) and an interaction he had with a mysterious stranger. What began as a short response piece in perspective as Gunnar, turned into a full-on writing lesson as we couldn't stop writing! We hope you enjoy some of the fantastic work that came out of it.
Friday 4th October
Today we continued our gymnastic work, adding hoops to our routines. We needed to include a jump, balance and roll with elements of unison and cannon. We came up with some really creative ideas and next week will be working on polishing and refining what we came up with.
Tuesday 1st October
We were very lucky to have a visitor help us with our science learning today. Dr Billy Senington (Miss Senington's brother) helped us to use heart rate monitors to explore how exercise affects our heart rate. Billy was very impressed with how much the children already knew about the heart and blood as well as how curious and confident they were. What a fantastic afternoon!
Friday 27th September
We had our first introduction to long division, which always takes a great deal of time and resilience to master, but we showed real determination and are getting there much quicker than expected!
Friday 27th September
What a proud day! Year 6 welcomed our new reception class to the school in style. They spoke confidently, sang beautifully and looked after their buddies so very well - a wonderful end to the week.
Thursday 26th September 2019
We had a great time with our buddies today practising for tomorrow's assembly. Watch this space for photos and videos!
Thursday 19th September
Today during our Power Hour PE session, we were working on improving our passing and dribbling skills.
Here are are some of the things we said about our learning:
"It's fun - it doesn't matter who wins."
"Making small passes helps us to control the ball better."
"It was good fun and really good exercise."
Tuesday 10th September
Following on from last week's LORIC learning, today we learnt how important it is to listen to others if you want to make a great leader. We were tasked with following various seemingly simple instructions with a piece of string which became much more challenging when we weren't allowed to look at what we were doing!
Thursday 5th September
We made a great start to the year exploring our LORIC topic: leadership. We had to work with our groups and devise a plan to retrieve all the cups of water, one at a time, with one hand, without any spillages! We had lots of different ideas and not only displayed our leadership qualities but an awful lot of patience too!