
Spring Term Information

The Greatest Showman
SATS & PGL Information Meeting - 03.03.20

Please see below for the information shared in today's meeting. Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Many thanks,

Miss Senington

New Year Message

Happy new year! Hopefully you have all had a wonderful break. Thank you for your lovely cards and gifts over the Christmas period - we are very grateful indeed for your kindness.


Welcome back to the new term for what promises to be a very busy one.


On the Spring term curriculum tab, you will find all the relevant information regarding our learning in Year 6 this term.


Please remember to keep checking the Spring term learning tab for regular updates on what's been going on in class. (The autumn term's work is also still available for you in case you missed anything.)



This term, the children's regular homework will be continuing as normal. However, they may also be occasionally bringing home extra work around a particular area of English or maths. This is to ensure that all gaps are filled and children are well-prepared as they approach their SATs tests in May and the beginning of their secondary school education. If your child does bring home something extra, this indicates that this is an area that they need to do some extra practice on in order to progress further.



Morning interventions

To further complement this, I will also be offering some extra tuition to specific children in order to help them reach the expected standard. These will be happening three times a week from 8.30am until 8.55am to make the most of the beginning of the school day. If I would like your child to take part, I will be sending them home with a reply slip. I would be grateful if you could return these as soon as possible so I can plan appropriately for these interventions. It is not compulsory that the selected children attend, however we are very much trying to foster a culture of resilience, pride and self-improvement so hopefully the children will want to make the most of the opportunity.



Thank you for your support with reading at home. The levels of nights read has generally been outstanding. As we have had some queries from parents, below is a reminder of expectations for nights read:


  • The children should read a minimum of 5 nights per week.
  • If they read 6 or 7 nights, they will be rewarded with team points.
  • If they read less than 5 nights, they may (depending on the circumstances) be asked to stay in at break times to read


Children will also be rewarded with certificates at the end of each long term.



We have had several instances of swapped or missing uniform items recently due to unlabelled clothing. Please make sure that all items that are worn in school, including PE and club kits, are clearly labelled to ensure that it does not go missing.



For the first half-term, the children will need their indoor kits for dance. These should be kept in school at all times to ensure full participation. In the second half-term, children will need their outdoor kits, including trainers.


Power Projects

The hand-in date for the children's current Power Project (Greece Lightning) is Monday 10th February. This will be followed by their Quest afternoon on the 13th. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible to see what we've been up to.



There will be an information meeting around preparing for the SATs tests and for the children's residential trip to Marchant's Hill. Please keep an eye out for this date and time so you have all the relevant information.



Many thanks for your continued support in such an important year for your children. As always, please don't hesitate to ask if there are any queries or questions.


Miss Senington
