St Anselm's School Closure Home Learning - Year 4
Below you will find information on the different areas of learning your Year 4 child is required to cover during the school closure. Each week the school is closed, there will be a new dated tab that you should click on to access the weekly timetable and links to any further documents and online resources related to the work set. These tabs can be found at the foot of this page, accompanied by a star icon.
We appreciate that all home situations are different and we anticipate that there may be individual circumstances which will prevent the home learning being followed as advised by the school. We do however urge that if circumstances allow, that children quickly adapt to a consistent routine at home to allow their education to continue as normal. There are compulsory activities for the children to complete each day so you are clear what work they are expected to do, but we will also provide you with additional work that would be helpful for them.
The tasks will be a combination of learning that can be done online and on paper in the books provided in this pack. For some tasks there may be 3 levels of challenge offered – just as they do in class, children need to choose the task that offers them the right level of challenge.
Answer sheets may also be provided for some tasks. Again, children should use these as we do in school to check their answers after a few questions and make corrections where necessary.
Please find below some further information on the different learning that your child should be completing at home during the school closure. Please bear in mind that the exact work set each day will be made explicit on the timetables uploaded each week.
Details of how to access Purple Mash are included in your home learning pack and it is also attached as a document below.
English (compulsory)
One English “lesson” will be set every day. This may include grammar work, reading comprehensions and spelling activities and may be set on the school website, on Purple Mash, from the children’s homework books or from the spelling pack provided inside this folder.
Maths (compulsory)
Daily practice on Times Tables Rockstars (5 minutes minimum a day – both garage and soundcheck modes)
One maths “lesson” will be set every day. This may be set on the school website, on Purple Mash or from the children’s homework books.
Quest (compulsory)
Children are expected to complete one Power Project activity of their choosing for each week that the school is closed. Their newest Power Project homework can be found in this folder.
Reading (compulsory)
Children have already taken 2 books each from the school library so they can continue with their daily reading. Please ensure they keep up with their reading records during this time.
Additional advisory activities
Children who are on the reading bands will bring a reading band book home. Further reading band books are available for free online via Oxford Owl.
If a child is a free reader, they have been allowed to bring an additional MyBookBlog book home.
Purple Mash games.
Science activities set via Purple Mash or the school website.
The wellbeing of our children and their families during the school closure is at the forefront of our concerns. Please find below, a leaflet written by the school giving suggestions on how to maintain positive wellbeing and good mental health during these unprecedented times.
Weekly Timetables and Resources