
Week Commencing 20th April 2020


Monday 20th April

Tuesday 21st April

Wednesday 22nd April

Thursday 23rd April

Friday 24th April



Oxford Owl e-book reading.


Word Up

Page 45

Word Up

Page 46

Word Up

Page 117

Word Up

Page 118

Spelling quiz in home learning book.




Busy Ant Maths page 10 and page 11. Understanding positional language.


Play for a minimum of 10 minutes.


Busy Ant Maths page 12. Understand and use direction words.

After this play a game of ‘Simon says’ with someone at home, using direction words.


Play for a minimum of 10 minutes

Busy Ant Maths page 13. Recognise and make whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns.

Ask someone at home to give you instructions to practise turning. When you are confident add in left and right from yesterday.


Play for a minimum of 10 minutes

Busy Ant Maths.

Page 8. Write number sentences where you add 3 numbers together to get a specific amount.


Play for a minimum of 10 minutes


Complete the next 2 pages of your maths homework book.


Play for a minimum of 10 minutes


Phonics and


Purple Mash - Mini mash.

Click on the book and there are different activities for the children to complete.

English Yumtime!

Enjoy the poem. Please only listen to the first poem. Which foods are your favourite? In your home learning books write a list of your favourite foods and then write about why you like them. Don’t forget to use all of those great describing words that you know.

Purple Mash - Mini mash.

Click on the book and there are different activities for the children to complete.

English Yumtime! Once again please only listen to the first poem.

Thinking about the list that you wrote yesterday use your ideas to write your very own poem all about food.


Purple Mash - Mini mash.

Click on the book and there are different activities for the children to complete.

English ‘Lullaby for a Woolly Mammoth’

Enjoy the poem. Please only listen to the first poem.

Do you have a favourite animal? Draw a picture of the animal and write some sentences describing it.


Purple Mash - Mini mash.

Click on the book and there are different activities for the children to complete.


English ‘Lullaby for a Woolly Mammoth’ Once again, please only listen to the first poem.

Today you are going to write poem about your favourite animal. Look at all of those great describing words that you wrote yesterday and use them in your poem.

Remember to write it to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star.

Purple Mash - Mini mash.

Click on the book and there are different activities for the children to complete.


‘Performance Time’

Today you are going to perform your poem to someone at home. Remember it needs to be read to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star. Ask someone to film you so you can watch it back. I look forward to you performing them when we get back to school.

Quest Power Project

Choose one thing from the Power Project Sheet.
