
Spring Term Learning

I hope this makes you smile as much as it makes me.I am missing all of you very much. Before we broke up the children had a great time line dancing.

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9.3.20: As part of our science learning we spent time looking at a scientist called John McAdam. We learned that he improved the construction of roads by crushing rocks of different sizes and then pressing them down using a big roller. We then became scientists and tested out the different properties of materiel, to see which were the best for making roads.

2.3.20: Today we showed our amazing POWer Projects to the children in Year 3. We were very confident and spoke about all of the great things that we found out and we got to show our amazing models. Thank you for all of the hard work that you put in at home.

26.2.20: In RE today we heard how Jesus chose his first Disciples. We reflected on a time that we met a new friend and we thought about the qualities that they had.

13.2.20: Today we had a burglary in our classroom! When we came in after playtime our classroom door was tapped up with a sign saying 'crime scene'. Inside the classroom there were lots of footprints and hand prints, a mixing bowl, wooden spoon and whisk. We all became Police Detectives and hunted for clues.

30.1.20: In English this week we have been reading a book called 'What's for lunch Papa Penguin?' by Jo Williamson. Papa Penguin has a restaurant that serves lots and lots of fish! He takes his son Pippin on an adventure to find out about new foods. Today we imagined that we were chefs and wrote persuasive sentences encouraging others to try our delicious foods.

24.1.20: Meet the movie makers! As part of our Quest learning we each made a different penguin character and created a short movie.

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Movie 2

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Movie 3

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Movie 4

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Movie 5

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14.1.20: Maths today was all about subtracting.We showed our workings using lots of different resources and strategies.

10.1.20: Today we had our first gymnastics lesson. We learned how to perform some jumps and rolls. We then put two jumps and a log roll in to a routine.


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