At St Anselm’s Catholic Primary School, our uniform is very important to us and the children are encouraged to wear it with pride.
The uniform is as follows:
Winter Uniform
with the school logo
skirt or pinafore
Boots and trainers are not permitted.
| PE Kit
emblem shorts
In colder weather, children may wear the burgundy tracksuit available from TFS
| Summer Uniform
with the school logo
skirt or culottes
with the school logo
summer dress (all-in-one playsuits are not permitted)
Note: tights and grey socks should not be worn with summer dresses, |
Please note:
Children may wear winter or summer uniform in Term 1 and Term 5.
Winter uniform must be worn in Term 2 - Term 4
Summer uniform must be worn in Term 6
Additional Items
PE bags
Book bags
Coats should be a dark colour
Specific items of uniform are available from TFS School Wear in Dartford.
PE kits should be worn to school on the day the class has their PE lesson.
Trainers are to be worn for PE only. When purchasing uniform, please buy smart shoes. Boots and trainers are not permitted.
Jewellery including earrings is not permitted. Children may wear wrist watches. 'Smart' watches are not permitted.
Hair, including braids, should be natural in colour and long hair should be tied back. Hair accessories—hairbands, beads and ribbons—should be subtle and school colours.
All uniform and any personal belongings should be clearly labelled.