
School Closure

St Anselm's School Closure Home Learning - Year 2


Below you will find information on the different areas of learning your Year 2 child is required to cover during the school closure. Each week the school is closed, there will be a new dated tab that you should click on to access the weekly timetable and links to any further documents and online resources related to the work set. These tabs can be found at the foot of this page, accompanied by a star icon.



You would have received in your home learning packs, a home reading guide on how to access and use the free Oxford Owl online resource so your child can read e-Books.  We urge that children read the same book for at least two or three days in a row before moving onto the next book. Although your child may be able to read the words in the book easily, it is important that the same text is repeated and appropriate questions are asked to ensure a child's full understanding of the story. Please evidence daily reading in your child's school reading record in the usual manner. The parents guide on how to access Oxford Owl is attached at the foot of this screen.



The children ordinarily learn new spellings each week and work through related activities. In your home learning pack you will find a ‘Word Up’ folder which contains these tasks. Please encourage your child to complete these 4 activities during the week. If possible, please test your child on the words at the end of the week.



There will be weekly grammar activities posted on the website. These will be topics that we have been learning in school, such as nouns, adjectives, punctuation etc. These can be completed in the workbook that is enclosed in your home learning pack.



You would have received eight handwriting tasks within your home learning packs. These are made up of sounds and words that we have been learning to join in class. The timetable will explain when the children are to do these sheets. They can write on the sheet or into their workbooks.



Maths activities will be posted on the class page each week. These can be completed in the workbook that can be found in the pack. The timetable will show when your child needs to complete these. Children will also be expected to go on ‘Tables Rock Stars’ for 5/10 minutes each day. This has a very positive effect on their Maths learning. (Your child’s log in details will be sent to you). Other maths games that can be played can be found on ‘Purple Mash’, ‘Topmarks’ and ‘Twinkl’.



Thank you for all the hard work that you and your child have put into your ‘India’ Power Projects. We look forward to looking at these and have sent home details of the next Power Project -‘Wonder Women’. The children can start working on some of these activities in preparation for when we come back to school. An electronic copy of the Power Project can be accessed at the foot of this page.


English Grammar Book/ Maths Mental Arithmetic Book

These books have also been enclosed in your home learning pack. The on-line timetable will inform you which pages the children need to do, and when to do them.


Purple Mash activities

We will also be setting various activities on the ‘Purple Mash’ website. These will cover a range of different activities that we will be able to see and comment on. Your child’s log in details will be sent home.



The wellbeing of our children and their families during the school closure is at the forefront of our concerns. Please find below, a leaflet written by the school giving suggestions on how to maintain positive wellbeing and good mental health during these unprecidented times.

Zoom call: 15.7.20

Here is the link for the zoom call tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing you all again. Miss King 

Hi Daisies - Here is your 'Transition to Year 3 Passport'. You need to fill it in and return it to school. There is also a short section for your parents to complete.

Weekly Timetables and Resources
