W/C 9th March, 2020
In our Power Hour this week, we got the opportunity to learn and play some traditional and modern board games. This activity has shown us the importance of taking turns, working as a team and playing fair. We played 'Snakes and Ladders', 'Snap', 'Connect 4', Ludo', 'Hangman' and 'Headbands - Guess What I am?' We had lots of fun!
W/C: 2nd March 2020
As part of our Quest topic about India, we have been trying to create 'Rangoli' patterns. People in India construct 'Rangoli' patterns on their doorsteps during special festivals to welcome their family and friends. These patterns are often symmetrical and brightly coloured. We used rice to design symmetrical patterns, left them to dry and then used bright coloured paint to decorate them.
W/C: 24th February
This week we had our first dance lesson of the term. After warming up with a 'Hoop Game' we started investigating different ways of using our bodies to represent emotions. We created movements to show happiness, sadness, anger and tiredness. We linked our ideas together, added some 'still' shapes and performed our ideas to music. There are definitely some future performers in the Daisy Class!
Just a reminder regarding PE kit for this term - We are doing 'Dance and Movement' until we break up for Easter so the children will need 'Indoor' kit - shorts, T shirt, plimsolls/trainers.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at the Parent Consultations.
W/C: 10th February 2020
In our Maths lesson with Mrs D'Mello this week, we have been measuring objects using rulers and metre sticks.
For the SATs, later this year, we need to know that we measure:
length and height in centimetres and metres;
weight in grams and kilograms;
capacity in millilitres and litres.
It would be really helpful if you could encourage your child to look at packages and containers in the kitchen to reinforce this learning.
W/C - 3.2.2020
Continuing with our Quest topic all about India, we have been looking at 'Rangoli Patterns'. These are pieces of art work that are created on doorsteps to welcome family and friends during special festivals. Many of these patterns are symmetrical, so we had a go at creating our own symmetrical patterns using a key to help us.
30th January
In Power Hour this term, we have been learning French. We can greet people, tell them our name and ask how they are feeling. This week, we learned to say how old we are and this involved us learning our numbers to 10. We enjoy using the computers to help develop our vocabulary and pronunciation.
We'd love to practice speaking French with you at home...
W/C - 27th January
This week, as part of our Quest topic that is all about India, we have been learning about 'Mehndi Patterns'. A dye called 'henna' is used to create wonderfully intricate patterns on the hands and sometimes the feet. This usually happens on special occasions such as weddings and festivals. The patterns are not permanent and usually wear off in a few weeks. Maria and Iqra have been telling us about the times that they have wore these traditional decorations.
The children had a go at designing their own 'Mehndi Patterns'
This week I have sent home a 'Times Tables Counting Sheet' with each child. We are currently learning how to find fractions of numbers, and the children need to be able to count in 2,3,4,5,and 10 in order to work out these calculations. The children will have to answer questions like this on the Maths SATs papers and they won't be able to use any number lines of tables charts to help them.
Please could you ask your children to practise counting in these numbers and help them to improve by saying them regularly.
Thank you for your support.
C Snowden
W/C - 20.1.2020
In our Quest lesson this week we were looking at a map of India. We located different important features, such as New Delhi and the Himalayas, and we labelled them on our own maps.
We have started learning about fractions in our maths lessons. We have been working out what fraction of a shape is shaded.
A good website for halves and quarters is -
snappy maths ks1 halves and quarters interactive maths
W/C - 13.1.2020
This week we have been using the computers to help us with our Maths work. We are learning how to total money and what coins to use to pay for things.
A good on line game -
Topmarks KS1 maths Money Toy Shop
(Use the mixture of coins to pay exactly for the toys. If you feel brave try the 'Giving Change' game.
Happy New Year to all the children in Daisy Class and all their families!
Enjoy looking at some of the learning that is going on this term.
In our Maths we are learning about 'Money'. A good interactive game can be found on the following website -
Topmarks KS1 Maths Money Cashing In
The children can start by working within 10p and progressing to higher amounts. Have a go!!!