
Week Commencing 27th April 2020


Monday 27th April

Tuesday 28th April

Wednesday 29th April

Thursday 30th April

Friday 1st May



Page 54-55 of your grammar book 1(Apostrophes for plural possession.)

Stretch book  : pg 44 (Its / It’s and Whose /Who’s)



Term 3 Set 1

Week 4 Ei(gh) ey - gue – que

Practice sheet.



Talk for Writing. Sparky start sheet.

2do Alien time.

BBC KS2 Conjunctions with Laura Bubble



Activity sheet 1



Talk for Writing - King of the Fishes story. Read through at least twice and answer the questions.



Activity sheet 2



Marathon Marvel

Answer questions 1-7 as fully as possible and mark your work using the   answer sheet.


Spelling Test

Get someone to test your spellings.



Marathon Marvel

Answer questions 8-14 as fully as possible and mark your work.



Mental Multiplication 10s and 100s.

Choose A (mild), B (medium), or C (spicy) to complete in your book.


Mark using answer page. 


Mental Multiplication Partitioning.

Choose A (mild), B (medium), or C (spicy) to complete in your book.


Mark using answer page. 


Times Table Practice

Choose two or three of the following to help you practice your times tables today:

- Hit the Button game on (free to play on the website)

- Times Table – Mixture game on Purple Mash (set as a 2Do)

- Times table board game

- Multiplication dice game

- An extended session on TT Rockstars


Multiplication – Formal Method

Complete challenges 1 and 2. Challenge 3 is an additional extra.


Mark using answer page.

Maths homework book

Book 2 Section 2 Test 2

Book 3 Section 1 Test 10

Book 3 Section 2 Test 7


Mark using answer page.



Choose an activity from your POWer project to complete this week.

(If you choose a Purple Mash activity, make sure you go through the sidebar as it gives you tips for answering as fully as possible.)



‘Jesus appears to the disciples’ playscript.

Additional activities

  • TT Rockstars (at least 5 minutes as often as possible)
  • Daily Reading.
  • Quest :Modern Britain – Crime and Punishment on 2Do
  • Science : Earth Day Research
  • BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons Weekly Maths Challenges. Give them a go!
  • Isee maths is a great little website with daily maths challenges. Go to  and along the top is a Home Learning tab –click on it then click on Year 3 and 4 for some daily tasks.

Blue – can be found in your home learning pack or homework books.

Red – Can be found in the weekly resources folder on the class page.

Purple – Can be found on Purple Mash website
