Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Oxford Owl e-book reading. |
Spelling |
Spelling frame Spelling frame is a fun and interactive online resource which allows children to practise spelling. This week the children are going to concentrate on common expectation words – red words. Have fun playing the games and completing the tests. https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/146/33-Common-exception-words-1 |
Spelling frame https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/147/34-Common-exception-words-2 |
Spelling frame https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/148/35-Common-exception-words-3 |
Spelling frame https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/149/36-Common-exception-words-4 |
Spelling frame https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/150/37-Common-exception-words-5 |
Busy Ant Maths page 32. Write related addition and subtraction facts. Numbots Play for a minimum of 10 minutes. |
Busy Ant Maths Page 35. Name 2d shapes. Once you have completed this go on a shape hunt in your house or garden. Can you find things that are rectangles, squares, triangles or circles? Which other 2d shapes do you know? Numbots Play for a minimum of 10 minutes |
Busy Ant Maths Page 37. Name 3d shapes. Once you have named them all see if you can tell someone about the properties of some of the shapes. How many faces, edges or vertices (pointy bits) do they have? Numbots Play for a minimum of 10 minutes |
Purple Mash Odd and even numbers. Look on the ‘2dos’ tab and find the odd and even task. When you have finished this have a look on this website for some more odd and even activities. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/coconut-odd-or-even Numbots Play for a minimum of 10 minutes |
Maths Homework Book Do the next 2 pages of your Maths homework book. Please then complete a daily mental maths challenge for adding and subtracting. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 Numbots Play for a minimum of 10 minutes |
Phonics and English/RE |
Phonics Play a game from the phonics play website. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources English Log onto purple mash and at the top you will find a tab called ‘2dos’. You need to find the work that is called ‘postcard’. Here you can write me a postcard to tell me all of the things that you have been up to since I last saw you all. You can then upload some pictures on the other side. I can’t wait to read them all. |
Phonics Play a game from the phonics play website. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources English Log onto purple mash and at the top you will find a tab called ‘2dos’. You need to find the work that is called ‘Superhero Story’ Here you are going to write a superhero story. You can write about your favourite superhero or you can be the superhero. If I was a superhero I would be called ‘Superking’ and I would use my superpower of flying to help people and save them from danger. |
Phonics Play a game from the phonics play website. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources English In your home learning books you are going to draw a map of where you live and all of the things that are nearby. You may want to write a short explanation about your map and what you have put on it. After ask an adult to help you to look on google earth to see if you can find where you live. Can you find our school? Then see if you can find the houses of your family and friends. |
Phonics Play a game from the phonics play website. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources English Today you are going to draw a picture of your home. Do you live in a house or a flat? How many bedrooms do you have? How many windows? In your home learning book draw a picture and then write a short explanation about it. Have fun! I have then set an art activity on purple mash. Please find the activity in your 2dos called ‘my garden’. |
Phonics Play a game from the phonics play website. https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources RE Jesus appears to the disciples. Please complete this task in your home learning book. |
Quest Power Project |
Choose one thing from the Power Project Sheet. |