16th December 2019
Amongst the Christmas busy-ness we found time to make our own Anglo-Saxon shields.
6th December
We brought in our POWer Projects today. the children said that they 'liked how everyone used their creativity' and put 'hard work into their projects for everyone to see.' They really enjoyed making,drawing, researching and learning about the Anglo Saxons.
We we shared our projects with Year 4 and Year 6. The teachers are highly impressed with the effort and thought and would like to thank the children and parents.
4th December
We have been learning about Anglo-Saxon food. Today we cooked two Anglo-Saxon recipes - Honey Shortbread and Honey Oat Slices. We thought about how the Anglo-Saxons would have grown and gathered their ingredients and how their cooking methods would have varied.
27th November
In science, we investigated whether the sun moves like it appears to in the sky. We found out that the earth spins causing the sun to appear to move. Due to the earth spinning , we see the sun at different places. As the earth spins our shadow also moves.
13th November
The author, Katy Chalk, came to visit us and talk about her books 'The History Sphere' and 'The History Sphere Restored'. She gave us some great advice on writing and specially read some parts of her books to help us with out 'Monsters' topic in English. We're now raring to go with reading the books.
6th November
We began our space topic and learnt about the planets in our solar system. The children produced excellent informative posters about the planets for our science display.
28th October
Today, we focused on British Values. We looked at the history of human rights including the right to vote. We learnt about Magna Carta, Chartism and the Suffragette movement, and then looked at their impact on the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. The children researched and produced 'postcards' sharing their learning and ideas.
9th October
This afternoon we have played the Anglo Saxon game Hnefatafl. The children said it was very strategic but a lot of fun.
8th October
we debated whether progress is always good. There were lots of excellent arguments and reasons used. Certainly a good sign for the discussion text we are writing on the same question.
2nd October
This afternoon, in science, we learnt about the effects of old age and then researched and produced posters on how to counteract them.
The children said that, 'We need to start taking care of our bones now so that they are good later on.' and that, 'It is Important to keep our body healthy so that we can still do the things we like in old age.'
11th September
We have been learning about a poem called 'The Ocean's Blanket' by Carol Anne Duffy as part of our Destruction topic in English. Here are some of the pumas reciting the poem.
6th September
This week we've been learning about leadership in LORIC. We discussed leadership skills, worked in teams to build egg-rockets (before launching them), played a game called marble run, and thought about how leaders communicate through leading each other through mazes,