Formative Assessment
In line with the school’s feedback policy, teachers use formative assessment throughout lessons and units to inform and allow them to make adaptations to planning as needed. This is recorded on a whole class feedback sheet.
Assessing Skills
Each unit has identified areas for assessment which link to the skills progression document. As the year progresses, teachers complete the spreadsheet when children demonstrate they are competent in the relevant skill.
Knowing More, Remembering More
Knowledge linked to each unit of learning has been identified in question-and-answer format. Children are supported to ‘know more and remember more’ at the start of one science lesson each week through a range of spaced retrieval activities.
End of Unit Quizzes
At some point after units have been complete, children take part in a 'Quizziz' activity which assesses their knowledge.
At the end of the summer term 2024, children in Y1 - Y6 took part in the first St Anselm's Great Big Science Quiz. Competing in their continent teams, the children answered questions about all of the knowledge identified in the science curriculum for their year group. Team Africa were the winners!