
Spring Term Learning

When we grow up we want to be... our amazing selves!

Take a look at our pictures and writing from last week showing what we want to do when we are older. 

We made some great repeating patterns last week, using different coloured counters and shapes.

We have set up a vet's surgery. There are lots of sick animals to help.

We wrote some thank you cards for people who help us!

We make great weather reporters! We made our own maps and weather symbols and then reported the weather to our audience. 

This is us taking part in the RSPB's Great School birdwatch. We looked carefully for birds out in the field and used binoculars to see if there were any in the trees. Then we had to look at the pictures to find out what type of bird it was and count how many. 

Last week we learnt to tell a simple version of the story of ‘the Snow Queen.’ We thought about what her palace might be like and drew pictures or built models to show our ideas.  

Then the Snow Queen visited our garden and turned some of the toys to ice! We rescued our toys by using hammers to break the ice. Some children used warm water and even salt to melt the ice. 

We made our own snow monsters after reading the story 'Betty and the Yeti'. We used junk modelling and thought carefully about what features we needed to include. After reading 'One Snowy Night' we thought about how hungry the poor birds might be in the winter and used cereal hoops threaded on to pipe cleaners to make bird feeders. We stayed very quiet and watched to see if any birds used the bird feeders.

In the story ‘Lost in the Snow’, Ollie, the pup, got lost. We predicted how he might get back to his mum and drew pictures and did some writing to show how. We also made some animal footprints from playdough and using chalk.

