
Strategic Intent

The purpose of our Strategic Intent is to highlight and communicate our vision and direction for St. Anselm’s so that as a school community we are all clear on where we are going and what we are trying to achieve.


We are proud of the school’s numerous achievements through the years and everything it has accomplished in recent times. The Catholic ethos with strong Christian values permeates throughout the day-to-day life of the school and is central to everything at St. Anselm’s. In its safe and caring environment, children are encouraged to develop and flourish academically as well as emotionally, morally, physically, spiritually and creatively.


There are 4 key priorities and for each we have identified the:-


  • Intent - the aim of the priority
  • Implementation - what we need to do to achieve the intent
  • Impact - how we know we have achieved the intent


This is an abbreviated version of the full plan which is designed to give a clear and accessible insight into the priorities and direction of the school.


Quality of Education

Where all teaching is consistently good to outstanding, providing our children with exciting learning opportunities which challenge and encourage, inspire and help them to make progress and achieve success. Ensuring children with special educational needs have the provisions they need to be successful and where blended learning will continue to provide better learning opportunities for our children both in the classroom and at home.


Behaviour and Attitudes

Where values of our school and wider British society are evident in the mindset and attitudes of our children who know to make good choices.    


Personal Development

To create an environment where our children are nurtured and developed into resilient, independent and confident young people. Children who are responsible, kind, compassionate and respectful to all others around them with the ability to adapt to the changing world around us.


Leadership and Management

Focusing on robust leadership throughout the whole school from Headteacher through to middle leaders and subject leads.  Ensuring that school governance makes a significant contribution to the work and life of the school.


Underpinning the above priorities, will be a focus on:-


  • Safeguarding

Where the emphasis must be on delivering a safe, supportive and secure learning      environment for our children, staff, parents, carers and visitors to the school.  St. Anselm’s must be a place where all staff are alert and vigilant, and confident, in dealing with all safeguarding issues.


  • Health and Safety

All children, staff and visitors should be safe in school and when children and staff undertake out of school activities.


  • Finance

Where the emphasis must be to manage a sustainable financial position through prudent management of the school’s resources and funds and by planning for the long term.

