
Week Commencing 20th April 2020


Monday 20th April

Tuesday 21st April

Wednesday 22nd April

Thursday 23rd April

Friday 24th April



Page 52-53 of your grammar book




Term3 Set1 Week3

Spelling patterns ei(gh), ey, -gue,que, sc(s sound).



Three Times the Pain Answer questions 1-8 as fully as possible.



Activity sheet 1



Three Times the Pain Answer questions 9-13 as fully as possible.



Activity sheet 2


Visual Literacy

Dream Crazier video – 3 tasks to complete Thurs and Fri.


Spelling Test

Get someone to test your spellings.


Visual Literacy

Dream Crazier video – 3 tasks to complete Thurs and Fri.



Written Subtraction OR  Subtraction - Be the Teacher

Challenge 1 (mild), 2 (medium) or 3 (spicy).  See ‘Subtraction help sheet’ if needed.

If you prefer, try the extra spicy challenge ‘Subtraction - Be the Teacher’.


Mark using answer page. 


Which Calculation is Correct?

Use mental maths skills to find the correct answer/question in each group.

Magic Squares

Choose A (mild), B (medium), or C (spicy) to complete in your book.


Mark using answer page.


Choose A (mild), B (medium), or C (spicy) to complete in your book.


Mark using answer page.

Maths homework book

Book 2 Section 2 Test 1

Book 3 Section 1 Test 9

Book 3 Section 2 Test 6


Mark using answer page.



Choose an activity from your POWer project to complete this week.

(If you choose a Purple Mash activity, make sure you go through the sidebar as it gives you tips for answering as fully as possible.)

Additional activities

  • TT Rockstars (at least 5 minutes as often as possible)
  • Daily Reading.
  • Science - Living Things on 2Do 
  • Topic -   Sports Stars Profiles on 2Do
  • Times Tables Activities for some on 2Do.

Blue – can be found in your home learning pack or homework books.

Red – Can be found in the weekly resources folder on the class page.

Purple – Can be found on Purple Mash website
