Year 6 Home Learning Timetable – W/C 11.05.20
Monday (repeat of Friday) |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Spelling Set 2, Week 5, Test |
Spelling Set 2, Week 6, practice sheet and activity sheet 1 |
Spelling Set 2, Week 6, activity sheet 2 |
Reading Reading comprehension – The Six Wives of King Henry VIII |
Spelling Set 2, Week 6, Test |
Grammar h/w book Foundation: pg 50 & 51 Standard: pg 48 & 49 Stretch: pg 60, 72 & 73 |
Reading Reading comprehension – When You Grow Up |
Grammar Active & passive voice |
Grammar h/w book Foundation: pg 48 & 49 Standard: pg 46 & 47 Stretch: pg 52 & 53 |
Arithmetic Mini-test and fluent in five practice |
Maths Missing angles & classifying triangles |
Maths Classifying quadrilaterals and unknown angles in triangles |
Maths Unknown angles in quadrilaterals |
Arithmetic Mini-test and fluent in five practice |
Complete one Power Project activity of your choice |
RE |
Linking art & scripture 4 |
Quest PSHE - Identity |
Quest Computing – being a good role model |
Science Light quiz |
Anything written in blue can be found on Google Classroom
Anything written in red can be completed in your homework books or spelling packs
Anything written in purple can be found on Purple Mash