
School Patrons


St Anselm is the patron saint of our school. His feast day is on the 21st April.


Every year, we celebrate the feast of St Anselm, on or near the feast day, with a special mass or liturgy which is followed by some form of celebration.


Click on the links below to see learning from each class about St Anselm.



Our Team Patrons

We also have five other patron saints, once for each of our continent teams - Africa, America, Asia, Australia Oceania and Europe. These saints were researched and chosen by our Faith Friends.

Every year, each team has a special celebration day. We come together for mass and then enjoy a party with our team mates.


To find out more about our team patrons, click on the links below.

Our class patrons

Each class has its own patron saint. These patrons were specially chosen by the children. Each classroom door has an image of their patron and words that they said to provide inspiration and guidance.

Y6 Patron - St Josephine Bakhita

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Y5 Patron - St Maximilian Kolbe

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Y4 Patron - St Gregory the Great

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Y3 Patron - St Martin de Porres

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Y2 Patron - St Vincent de Paul

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Y1 Patron - St Francis of Assisi

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YR Patron - St Therese of Lisieux

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