Year 6 Home Learning Timetable – W/C 23.03.20
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Spelling Term 2, Set 1, practice sheet and activity sheet 1 |
Reading Reading comprehension – Jane Eyre |
Spelling Term 2, Set 1, activity sheet 2 |
Writing Writing a letter |
Spelling Test |
Grammar Relative clauses |
Writing Planning a letter |
Grammar h/w book Foundation: pg 12 & 13 Standard: pg 30 & 31 Stretch: pg 45, 46 & 47 |
Arithmetic h/w book |
Properties of shape Opposite angles, angles on a straight line, full turn and triangles |
Properties of shape Angles in regular polygons |
Arithmetic h/w book |
Arithmetic Mini-test and fluent in five practice |
Complete one Power Project activity of your choice |
Science Animals including humans |
Computing Online safety quiz |
Quest Modern and ancient Olympics comparison |
Anything written in blue can be found on Google Classroom
Anything written in red can be completed in your homework books or spelling packs
Anything written in purple can be found on Purple Mash