St Anselm’s is a one-form entry Catholic Primary School with a pupil admission number of 30.
Although we must give priority to Catholic children, we also welcome applications from parents of children of other faiths. All places are offered to children in accordance with the published admissions policy.
Admission to Reception 2025
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you can now apply for a place in the Reception Class at St. Anselm’s for September 2025. Applications can be submitted online, via the KCC, starting from 5th November.
Prospective parents and carers are invited to attend an Admissions Meeting on Monday 18th November at 10:30am in the school hall—no booking is required.
The meeting will begin with a short presentation by the Headteacher, Mrs. White, followed by brief tours of the school. We regret that we will not be able to offer tours at any other time.
Thank you for your interest in St. Anselm’s, and we look forward to welcoming you.
Academic Year 2025-26
Applicants will need to complete the Local Authority’s online Reception Common Application Form (RCAF). If parents are unable to apply online, email for an alternative method. This should be completed no later than the closing date published by the Local Authority.
The School office will also require sight of the following original documents:
· Certificate of Practice [Admissions criteria 2]
· Baptism certificate [Admissions criteria 1,3,6,7]
· Evidence of enrolment in the catechumenate [5]
· Evidence of dedication if a baptism certificate is not available [Admissions criteria 7]
· Letter from minister or faith leader confirming membership [Admissions Criteria 8]
· Any supporting medical evidence, where appropriate
Offers of places will be sent to parents on the common offer date as notified by the Local Authority.
When a parent accepts their child’s place, the school will require sight of the following documents:
· 2 household bills as proof of residence
· 1 document confirming your child’s address
· 1 document confirming your child’s date of birth
Key Dates for Reception Admissions 2025
5th November 2024 |
Applications open
15th January 2025 |
Online admissions applications close at Midnight
Certificate of Practice to be received by the school by midnight.
16th April 2025 |
National Offer Day - online applicants will receive an email after 4pm.
St Anselm's participates within the Kent co-ordinated in year admissions scheme and follow the protocol set within it. If you would like to apply for an in year place at St Anselm's, you must complete an In Year Application Form which can be found below.
The supplementary form for this school should also be completed to enable the governors to rank the application in the event of there being more than one application for a place. The governors will use the same criteria, which can be found in our policy, to rank the application. If there is a place at the school an offer will be made by the school on behalf of the governors. In the event that a place cannot be offered, parents will be offered the opportunity of placing their child’s name on the waiting list. This does not prevent parents from exercising their right to appeal against the decision not to offer a place. Parents making appeals will receive 10 school-days' notice of their appeal hearing and decision letters will be sent out within 5 school-days of the hearing wherever possible.
For in-year admission from September 2024, the following policies and forms apply.
Applications for a place will require a SIF form in addition to the In Year Common Application Form (IYCAF) which is available from the KCC website below and which also needs to be returned direct to our school.
We will notify you of the outcome of your in-year application in writing within 15 school days, detailing any reason for refusal and information about the right of appeal.
Please contact the School Office if you require further information.
Parent Handbook - Taking you step-by-step through starting school
This booklet provides parents and carers with a summary of the key information regarding starting school. The current handbook can be downloaded via the link below. A hard copy of the booklet relevant to the academic year that your child is joining St Anselm's will be provided prior to their start date.