
Spring Term Learning

5th March

Our LORIC for this term is initiative. We worked together to make a boat that floats and holds 2 marbles. We had to record each step of the process.


27th February

In the story The Ice Bear by Jackie Morris, Raven steals one of the bear cubs.nwe created freeze frames of the scene and talked about each character's feelings.

13th February

Using the medium of collage we  made scenes showing hot or cold places which we are learning about in our Quest topic 'Extreme Survival'.


10th February 

We had brilliant discussions about which category of scientific investigation each question was part of.  


4th February 

We got to take part in a cricket workshop this Monday. We learned about batting and fielding as well as using strategy and teamwork.


22nd January

We created fact files to share facts we learned about Antarctica- the coldest place on Earth.



16th January

We have been learning about resilience as part of our LORIC this term. We tried to get faster at speed stacking and learned that with more time and help from others we can improve. 



As part of out British values topic we learnt about the influence of 'Blues' music on British culture. We tried to create rhythms as a group to convey emotions.

Music in groups

Still image for this video

Music in groups

Still image for this video

Music in groups

Still image for this video