
Spring Term Information

Welcome back!

I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas break. Mrs Gallagher, Mrs D’Mello and I would like to extend our gratitude to you for your thoughtful gifts and cards. They were very much appreciated. 


We are excited to be starting out new topics for this term, details of these are on the curriculum page.


Do remember to keep an eye on the Spring term learning page for up-to-date pictures from our most recent learning.


Here are a few things to note for this term:


PE for this term is on Fridays and will be outside. Please ensure that children have outdoor PE kits including trainers- all items of kit must be labelled.



Thank you for hearing your child read every night. Just to clarify that everyone is expected to read for a minimum of 5 nights. If he/she reads for 6 then they are rewarded with 1 team point and 2 team points for 7 nights of reading. Awards are issued at the end of the term in the back of their reading records. At this stage I am expecting the Y3 children to complete the majority of their reading record independently, parents just need to sign the relevant box.



All children have a password for TTrockstars, please allow them to log on and practise their times tables. Remember little but often is the key to improvement. If your child is having trouble logging in then make sure they tell me so I can change the password.


Purple Mash

Children have also received a username and password for purple mash.

The link is also on our main class page. This site has many educational games and activities which the children enjoy. I have also set some 2Do tasks as part of the Power Project this term.


If you require any further information, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,

Mrs Munday
