Celebrating achievement is very important to us at St Anselm’s. Every Friday afternoon the whole school gathers together to celebrate.
Each week, at our special Celebration Assembly, class teachers present children who are ‘living the pride values’ with a special Pride Award Certificate in recognition of their efforts.
Children who participate in clubs and activities outside of the school day are encouraged to bring in their trophies and certificates and share their successes with us all.
During the course of the year, children of all ages take part in a range of competitions and sports matches with children from other schools. They are keen to share their endeavours with the school during this special assembly.
We also like to celebrate our creation and uniqueness of us all as individuals by singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to all members of our school community who have had a birthday during that particular week.
Fridays are ‘Active Bug’ day in school. Together we celebrate how many of us walk or scoot to school in an effort to keep healthy and take care of our planet by helping to reduce our carbon footprint.
Classes compete each week to win the Attendance and Punctuality Certificates.
At the end of each month, the Team Point Trophy is awarded to the team in school which has won the most team points.