All the documents and instructions for this week's lessons have been saved on Google classroom only. You will also find a video from Mrs Munday there too.
Here is a "How to" video to show you how to use Google classroom.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Spelling Look, cover, write |
Spelling Activity sheet 1 |
Spelling Activity sheet 2 |
Spelling Test
Reading Porchester Park chapter 4 Quiz Set as 2Do on PurpleMash |
Reading Porchester Park chapter 5 Quiz Set as 2Do on PurpleMash |
Reading Porchester Park chapter 6 Quiz Set as 2Do on PurpleMash |
Writing Story writing ‘the Astronaut’
Writing Story writing ‘the Astronaut’
Writing Story writing ‘the Astronaut’
Writing Story writing ‘the Astronaut’
Writing Story writing ‘the Astronaut’
Maths fluent in five Fractions Lesson 1- Add fractions |
Maths rapid reasoning Fractions Lesson 2- subtract fractions |
Maths fluent in five
Fractions Lesson 3-problem solving |
Maths rapid reasoning
Fractions Lesson 4- fraction revision |
Maths fluent in five
Lesson 5- Maths challenge |
Science Plants lesson 4 |
Quest What was Life like in Ancient Egypt? |
RE The parable of the two sons |
PE Disney Shake Up |
Additional Activities Ancient Egyptian thoughts Freya character description saved as 2Dos on Purple Mash |
Grammar book pg. 60, 61 punctuating speech. |