W/C 16.12.19
This week we got the chance to meet Father Christmas and we told him how wonderfully behaved we have been.
Mrs Sear, Mrs D'Mello and I would like to wish all the children in the Daisy Class, and all their families, a wonderful Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all in 2020. xxx
Please come and help us sing at the Christmas Eve Mass at St. Vincent's Church.
W/C 9.12.19
This week we have finished our Quest topic all about 'The Great Fire of London'. The children brought in their 'Power Projects' and shared them with children in Year 1. There were some amazing models and maps, and incredibly detailed books that showed how much effort everyone had put into their research. A big well done to all the parents, relatives and friends who supported the children with their learning.
W/C - 25th November 2019
As part of our English topic - 'London Calling' we have read the tale of 'Dick Whittington'. The story is about a poor orphan boy who became the Lord Mayor of London. This week we worked on part of a script of the story and tried out our 'acting skills'! We took on the roles of The Story Teller, Dick Whittington and Mr. Fitzwarren.
W/C 18.11.19
In our Power Hour sessions this term we are learning how to keep our minds and our bodies healthy.
W/C 11.11.19
This term we are doing gymnastics in our PE lessons. Quite a few of our class attend gymnastic clubs out of school, and they are helping us by modelling different skills.
w/c 4.11.19
This week we have been learning about British Values. We looked at the role of the police in our country and talked about all the different ways that they help us.
W/C 7th October 2019
We all worked hard practising for our class assembly that was all about The Ocean. Here we are acting out the story of 'Noah's Ark'
W/C September 30th, 2019
As part of our ICT curriculum we are learning how to use 'WORD' to create and edit documents. We have also been talking about how to be safe on-line, and we are creating posters to share our message with others.
W/C: 23/9/19
This week we have been learning about 'The Great Fire of London'. We are creating silhouette pictures using chalk and charcoal. We are trying to portray silhouettes of famous London buildings and landmarks.