
COVID-19 guidance

School is open for all children. 


Please do not send your child to school if they have any COVID-19 SYMPTOMS. Please arrange a PCR test immediately.

All parents and carers are asked to inform the school of a positive case of COVID-19.


Although the school is no longer required to track and trace, please call or email the school to let us know of a positive result.


Thank you

Absence from School

Please refer to the documents below for guidance on what to do when your child is not feeling well.

Back to School

For those children returning to school after a long period away, parents may wish to share the 'Back to School' story with them. This can be found below.

Home-School Communication

From September 2020, communication will be via the weekly newsletter accessed from the newsletter section on the home page of this site.


Written updates from the school during lockdown can be read below. Video messages can be accessed via the gallery and Video Resource Centre in the children's tab.


School Lunch Menu


From 1st June, the school caterers are providing a cold lunch menu. This can be viewed below. Parents wishing their child to have a meal should inform the school office. Meals should be paid for in the usual way on Parentpay for children in Y6.

Policy Amendments
Useful Links