
Keeping Parents and carers informed

As part of our commitment to working in partnership with parents, we aim to ensure good lines of communication between home and school.


At the start of each term, all teachers hold a ‘Meet with the Teacher’ Session. During this meeting, expectations for behaviour and homework are shared and all parents are given details of the curriculum for that term. Sometimes, the sessions address particular areas of the curriculum, such as written calculations in maths, which can help parents to support their child at home.


Teachers will often make contact with parents and carers throughout the term to discuss areas of concern or if they have noticed changes in a child’s behaviour. Parents are actively encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher if they have concerns.


In the Autumn and Spring terms, teachers send home a short report detailing each child’s progress and attainment. Parents and carers are invited to attend a parent consultation meeting to discuss this in more depth.  


In the Summer term, parents and carers receive a written individual report of their child’s progress.
