
Week Commencing 18th May 2020


Monday 18th May

Tuesday 19th May

Wednesday 20th May

Thursday 21st May

Friday 22nd May



Homework Books - Punctuating Speech pg 60 – 61

Homework book 2-Moving the Reporting Clause pg 45

Watch on YouTube: Mr Thorne –How to use inverted commas.


Discovery Education UK Punctuation: Introduction to speech marks (KS2)



See Monday below


Search for the Loch Ness Monster Questions 1 – 10




See Tuesday below


Search for the Loch Ness Monster Questions 11 – 14




See Wednesday below


Exploring Fronted Adverbials (BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons) Activity 1 and 2  




See Thursday below



Talk for Writing

Exploring Fronted Adverbials (BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons) Activity 3 and 4


Spelling Test

Get someone to test your spellings.



Recap Fractions by watching the BBC Bitesize video:


Equivalent Fractions challenge cards.

Choose *(mild), ** (medium) or ***(spicy). Mark using answer page.


OR Stained Glass Fractions

An easier activity for those who struggled with fractions in class. Do this activity (choose from three levels of difficulty) instead of the above.  Mark using answer page.


The fraction wall below will help children with all their fractions activities this week and beyond. There is also an interactive one on

Equivalent Fractions

Choose – ‘Varied fluency’ questions. Choose Developing (mild), Expected (medium) or Greater Depth (spicy) and complete any 4 questions.


Mark using answer page.

Equivalent Fractions –‘Reasoning and problem solving’ questions.  Choose Developing (mild), Expected (medium) or Greater Depth (spicy) and complete any 4 questions.


Mark using answer page.

Fraction games.

Play any/all of the following:

Fraction snap

(needs printer) Depending on level of confidence, you may include all the cards or may choose to leave out the last two pages.


Fraction wall game

Set as a 2Do. It’s a bit like Tetris – you have to move the fractions as they fall to create lines that equal one whole.


Build a Fraction  Start at level 1 and work up. After level 7, it includes improper/top-heavy fractions (fractions which are more than one whole), which we’ll be recapping next week, so feel free to have a go at those.


Maths homework book

Book 2 Section 2 Test 5

Book 3 Section 2 Test 1

Book 3 Section 2 Test 10


Mark using answer page.


Choose an activity from your POWer project to complete this week. (If you choose a Purple Mash activity, make sure you go through the sidebar as it gives you tips for answering as fully as possible.)


‘Easter – Fruits of the Spirit’ activity.

Additional activities

  • TT Rockstars (at least 5 minutes as often as possible)
  • Daily Reading.
  • Use our class blog on Purple Mash
  • Science: Improve the school grounds for wildlife.
  • BBC Bitesize: How do human beings affect the environment?  Watch the video and do the quiz.
  • Quest: Lockdown Superhero. Purple Mash 2DO 

Blue – Can be found in your home learning pack or homework books.

Red – Can be found in the weekly resources folder on the class page.

Purple – Can be found on Purple Mash website

Black – Can be found online


