

My name is Miss Senington and I am your child’s new teacher. I have really enjoyed the first few weeks getting to know the children and am glad for the opportunity to meet you all and discuss what will be a very important year for your child. I’d like to give you a brief overview of what we will be learning as well as how you can help to support this at home. I’d also like to encourage you to communicate with me if you feel there is anything that I need to know so that I can better support your child.


In such a crucial year, it is vital that your child continues with a number of regular routines. Children in year 6 should be reading for a minimum of twenty minutes per day and they should record this in their reading record - this exposes them to a wide variety of texts, develops their vocabulary, stimulates their creativity and aids both their comprehension and writing skills.


They should also be able to achieve instant recall of their times tables up to 12x12. Even if they already know these, please make sure they continue to practise so that they become quicker (they can use Times Table Rockstars to help them). This will be invaluable to them when required to calculate much more challenging problems.


Children will also need to practise their spellings regularly – I will teach them the spelling patterns in class and their spelling words will be set and tested on Thursdays. It’s really important that they practise their spelling words at home in the SPAG log books to ensure they are really confident in time for their test.


Finally, it is really important that the children complete their homework as soon as they can. Then, if there is something they do not understand, they have the time to ask me for help before they are required to hand it in. 


Please take the time to look through the following information. I hope you find it useful and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and working together to properly prepare your child for secondary school and a successful future.
