

Catholic Schools' Inspectorate

St Anselm's was inspected in February 2024 and was judged by the inspection team to be Outstanding in all areas.


Here is a copy of the report.

Section 8 Inspection

A short inspection took place in June 2019 by HMI OFSTED.


The inspection team recognised that the school has continued to improve effectively since its last inspection and it continues to be 'good'. The report celebrates the achievements of our children, staff, governors and parents and part they play in the school’s success.


'The leadership of the school remains strong. It is driven by well-articulated Christian values and a clear vision.'


'Pupils are confident, well mannered and articulate.'


'Pupils  are enthusiastic about school and enjoy learning. Pupils are motivated and behave well, both during lessons and throughout the school day.'


'Pupils say they are free from bullying and they like the use of ‘worry eaters’, where they can post their worries confidentially and know that an adult will provide support.'


'Pupils feel safe at school and know how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations, both within school and beyond.'


'Teachers show passion in their teaching and have high levels of subject knowledge. This enables them to engage pupils and ask challenging and probing questions to deepen pupils’ thinking.'


'Parents speak very highly of the school and are delighted with the progress their children make.'




